360 Review
Employees are evaluated twice a year on a 360 degree basis by themselves, their peers, their managers, and their direct reports. The evaluation criteria is based on 3 points: Deliverables Quality, Delivery Schedule, and Project Assignment Ratio.
During the 360 degree evaluation a peer or manager can recommend the employee for a special bonuses or even a rank change.
Enrapt has been paying bonuses at a greater than 90% fulfillment rate to all employees. Payout of greater than 100% of bonus targets is also common for consultants, developers, and development leaders.
Manager Review
Managers will be asked questions about their direct report’s development because research shows manager feedback improves performance
Upward Review
Employees will be asked questions about their manager’s development to help them grow and develop into coaches and leaders with highly engaged and high performing teams
Self Review
Employees will be asked questions about their development, because research shows sharing their feelings and ideas greatly affects perceived fairness and ideas greatly affects perceived fairness and motivates improved performance
Peer Review
Employees will be asked questions about their coworker’s development, which increases performance, goal orientation, and the growth mindset!
For Developers there is a 3-Level ranking system for which all developers are evaluated.
During each 360 review, an employee can either request to evaluated for a rank increase, or their peer or manager can recommend for a rank increase. If there is agreement among the peers and managers for a rank increase, the employee will be promoted to the next level.
Junior Developer
Coding requires help and monitoring. Is able to complete assigned tasks in a timely manner sometimes
Is able to code on their own, is able to complete assigned tasks in a timely manner always. Will also help support in review of code of other Junior Developers
Senior Developer
Is able to properly estimate and divide pieces of work. Is able to review code of other Developers. Is able to handle all portions of the development cycle from development to test to release.